Ootd -Vrumm vrumm in the park

Ro : Duminica trecuta am prins o vreme superba , cald soare si numai buna pentru plimbare. Mi-am luat sotul si copil ...masina  ( de pe tricou) si am iesit in parc .Cand am vazut tricoul pe Eozy mi-a placut din prima.Nu a trebuit sa vad mai multe , a fost un fel de dragoste la prima vedere .Vazut,placut ,pus in cos :) Pe langa faptul ca e frumos mai e si ieftin , am dat pe el vreo  2 $ parca .Perltele il scot din anonimat si eu zic ca arata tare bine ..Voi ce ziceti ?La gat nu mi-am pus nimic de data asta pentru ca avea tricoul Insa la mana am purtat bratara mea cu perle si strasuri de la Appleineye de care sunt tare incantata .

En : Last Sunday I got a gorgeous weather, warm sunshine and only good for walking. I took my husband and child ... car (shirt) and went to the park. When I saw the shirt on Eozy  I liked the first, never had to see more, it was kind of love at first. seen, liked, put in basket :) Besides it's nice and cheap, I gave him a $ 2. Pearls him out from the crowd and I think it looks much better .. what about you? on neck I did not put anything on it because it had the shirt.But I wore my bracelet hand with pearls and crystals of which from Appleineye  that  i am  hard  excited.

Tricou Eozy 
Bratara Appleineye

Cum vi se pare tinuta mea ?
